viernes, 23 de agosto de 2013

Jesse Jackson on Chris Lane's murder: 'Senseless violence is frowned upon' -

Jesse Jackson (the Jesse Jackson who is not currently in jail, that is) has gotten out ahead of the curve on the shooting death (in the back, no less!) of a white man by three black teens. Here is what the reverend tweeted today at 11:02 a.m.:

Praying for the family of Chris Lane. This senseless violence is frowned upon and the justice system must prevail.

How nice for Jackson that his entire message to the world about a bunch of hoodlums gunning down a white man because they were bored fits neatly within the 140-character Twitter limit. Actually, Jackson could have economized even further on the character count by using the active voice — I from upon this senseless violence — instead of using the passive, but that might over-personalized the message.

As you might imagine, the tweet is not sitting well with some Twitter followers. Jim Treacher writes:

A young black person gets shot while assaulting a Hispanic person, and we're back to the days of Emmett Till. A young white person gets shot because he jogged past a black person's house, and it's 'frowned upon.'

Jim Norton tweets back:

@RevJJackson Thanks for that tepid, milquetoast response. 'Frowned upon'?? Why not be REALLY harsh and call the boys 'naughty' or 'fresh'?

In his column at the Daily Mail, Treacher quotes someone named Ryan Gustafson, as tweeting:

@jtLOL @JimNorton @RevJJackson Wearing Crocs is frowned upon. Cold-blooded murder should at least be seen as 'objectionable' or 'lame.'

You get the general idea. Conservatives are miffed (too strong a word?) that the man who has anointed himself leader of the "rainbow coalition" — a metaphor chosen long before gays' appropriated the term for their own, refers to Jackson's professed equal concern for people of all skin tones — is so calm and collected when the assailant is one of his own and/or the victim is not. He was inconsolable following the death of Trayvon Martin, which was far more ambiguous with respect to motive than the shooting of Chris Lane.

Maybe Jackson would be more empathic with the victim if he watched the video here that 15-year-old James Edwards, which one of the teens implicated in the murder, uploaded to Vine. Then again, maybe pigs can fly.

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