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- Rawlston Pompey
- Monday, 05 November 2012 02:30
- By Rawlston Pompey
Though it had been frequently posited that many people had become victims of one of societies pronounced evils- "...POVERTY," seemingly made worse by "...Depravity," compounded by all forms of "... VIOLENCE," research showed other "...contributory societal factors."
The Jehovah Witness' Awake! Journal, presenting "...Causes of Violence," sub-captioned "...Desperation and Despair," states "...Sometimes people resort to violence when they are "...Oppressed; ...Discriminated against; ...Socially isolated; ...Economically deprived; ...or when they feel they have no control over their life"[Aug.2012: p6].
These factors were irrefutably true, as may have been seen when people were "...victimized at workplaces or when they were "...HUNGRY." Even the Scriptures have warned to stay away from an angry man. The author of the Journal's presentation appeared not to have taken into consideration two other critical contributory factors, that of "...Greed and Criminality." This commentary, therefore, seeks to look briefly at these factors as they relate to the "...GREED; ...Illegal possession of Drugs; ...Proceeds of Crime; and Money Laundering and ultimately the "...DEADLY CONSEQUENCES" to those suspected to have been involved. The Online Dictionary defines Greed as "...Avarice; ...covetousness; ...greediness; ...materialism; ...acquisitiveness." These were all part of human behavior, particularly that which affects "...materialism and acquisitiveness." Most drug traffickers and money launderers were known to have uses the proceeds of crime for "...materialistic acquisitions." Frequently these had exposed them to Law enforcement and their rivals. Frequently some had suffered death, others incarcerated and forfeitures.
Invariably, many individuals known to have been living "...CLOSE TO PAUPERIZATION," had found themselves in a quandary over new found affluence." Somehow many had unwittingly provided "...incriminatory evidence" suggestive of earnings smacked of "...illegitimacy." Many had adopted an attitude of "arrogance" and ...haughtiness; ...boasted and/or led "...lavish lifestyles;" ...partying with expensive wines and sumptuous meals; ...jet-setting; ...hoarding proceeds of cash and jewellery in deposit boxes of financial institutions; ...grabbing up real estate, fanciful speed boats and ...top of the line motor vehicles, including "...Mercedes Benz; ...BMW; ...Infinity and Tacoma." Incidentally, these were said to be the "...small fish," while the larger ones, displaying similar lifestyles and acquisitions, remain to swim further into the deep, prospering off "...HUGE NETS." The properly trained Law enforcement officer, keenly observant, fearless and impartial must be moved by "...reasonable suspicions."
Investigators had often "
theorized" that where these existed, it meant, in a Good case scenario-"...MONEY," and in a Worst case scenario-"...MURDER." It has also been the experience that those who "...played with fire," were likely to be burnt, while those playing with edged tools were very likely to be hurt by them. Many were known to have died by them. Thus, "...Where there was a "...Sword," it has been pre-determined, that those "...Who live by the sword, shall die by the sword." Similarly, those who had "...INDULGED" in "...Gun and/or Drug trafficking," had suffered the consequences of "...Death." Such has been the nature of the environment; ...the hidden and anticipated dangers and the "...evil influences" that were known to have shaped human conduct and his destiny.
It was Law enforcement experiences that "...Where there was "...GREED," it was influenced and propelled by an uncontrolled urge for "...Criminal Proceeds." Where there were "...controlled vegetable substances-DRUGS- whether "...BUSHY or ...POWDERED" forms, they had to be protected with "...FIRE POWER;" ...Where there was partnership, there may be no double-crossing; ...Where there was suspicion, there was FRICTION; ... Where there was bitterness, there was animosity; ...Where there was treachery, there were to be MISERY; ...where there was anger, there was WRATH.
These situations have been known to have caused "...Destruction and Death," particularly to those caught up in the "...Gun/Drug Cultural Pervasiveness." As it relates to "
Guns," modern man intended them to be used for one purpose and one purpose only-"...killing of humans." Biblical teachings suggest that the "
Heart of man is desperately wicked," as had been evidenced and exhibited frequently and frighteningly. Therefore, it was not a "
figment of the imagination," and none may underestimate the power of the mind and man's resolve when spurred by greed, anger and/or desperation, to use them with telling effect.
It may have been seen that where there was danger to persons indulged in "...Gun dealing; ...Drug trafficking and/or ...Money laundering," action had to be taken. Thus, that which was at great risk necessitates"...constant vigilance and decisive action." Their survivability was dependent upon vigilance. Thus, it was survival of the "...slickest and quickest." The Tivoli Gardens Don, "...CHRISTOPHER 'Dudus' COKE" [Jamaica] experience, confirms such dangers. Consequently, where there was "...rivalry and/or ...competitiveness; or ...risks or threats to "...life; ...proceeds and/or assets or incursion into "...DRUG TURF," there shall be "...TOTAL ELIMINATION." For these reasons, in the "...Criminal underworld," such environment requires every player to "...Play by the rules" or be "...struck out completely from the game." For where there were threats, (actual, perceived, real or imaginary), to life or livelihood, in one fell swoop they shall be "...expeditiously and effectively removed." These may have been played out in the "...DEADLY TRISTAN ALLEY INCIDENT."
Consequent upon indigent conditions existing in some communities, many people, though not justified, yet understandably so, had been forced into devising "...STRATEGIES FOR THEIR SURVIVAL." As a result, many were known to have suffered consequences attendant to their survival exploits. Others had suffered similar fate, not necessarily due to their personal situations of indigence, but due to an urge in their quest of achieving "...SELF ACTUALIZATION." Many, through "...GREED" had apparently used their intellectuality in focusing upon illegitimate ways and/or illegal activities in attaining their goals. The Scriptures warns that it is "...Better to have a little with the fear of the Lord, than great treasure and turmoil." It further determines that "...Those who gathered wealth by lying are looking for DEATH" [Prov.15:16 & 21:6].
Universally, the question of "...SELF ACTUALIZATION" was known to have been motivated by "...Greed." The majority of people usually set legitimate and attainable goals, and work perseveringly until they were realized. Most knew that such could not be achieved overnight. Others, however, had been known to have stepped outside the realm of the law and got their feet entangled. Then there was violence. As a consequence, many had fallen tragically to their own doing or had gone on the offensive in "...eliminating" others to stay alive and/or operable and viable. Others had unfortunately fallen as a result of "...gun violence," either as "...innocent by-standers," frequently due to "...stray or misdirected bullets that had ricocheted, resulting in "...unintended consequences."
Some shady characters or business operators may occasionally "...contribute financial assistance and/or "...GIFTS" to certain sports organizations, institutions and other groups. Frequently, such was calculated to win in part, public and official support, but primarily in "...diverting attention" from their suspicious activities." Their prosperity was usually short-lived. Thus, some may "...LIVE FAST and DIE YOUNG." Law enforcement training had always suggested "...careful approach" to people "...Without Visible Means of Income," suddenly rising and shining, "...where grey clouds" had often placed the sun in obscurity. Thus, for them "...When it shines, it shines;" however, "...When it rains, it pours."
Many had failed to walk the "...Straight and narrow way," in achieving "...success, prosperity and happiness, however insignificant." Thus, many had stumbled and fell along the way. Invariably, their pre-determined demise came about, as a result of the "...lucrative influences of the "...Illicit Drug/Gun Trade." These were known to have had ever lurking danger. Thus, it was well known to the players that these activities were associated with "...Money Laundering; ...Conspiracies and ultimately ... DEATH." Those so indulged were aware that "...GREED AND TREACHERY" could bring instant death and worries, misery and "...psychological torment" of those who may survive, for they know not the hour when the "...next vehicle may drive-by" and/or the "...next bullet may fly."
Thus, those implicated in "...Drug-Trafficking and/or ...Money Laundering" and had been accused of benefitting from the "...Proceeds of Crime," knew they had an ultimate price to pay. There were those who would be hospitalized; "...some struggling on life support systems." Hence, it was to be understood, that indulgence in such activities was pregnant with danger. Thus, as sure as night follows day, there were those "...For whom bells will be tolled;" ...for whom "...wakes; ...memorial services and ...candlelight vigils will be held; ... for whom hymns would be sung and wreaths quietly lay." But as has always been the case when tragedy struck, "...loved ones would be brought to tears; ...families, loved ones and friends would be "...gnashing teeth; ...weeping, wailing and mourning." In their moments of grief, however, those believing in the Holy Scriptures, undoubtedly, would have been so blessed that "...They shall be comforted" [Matthew 5:4]. Such has been the "...HARSH REALITIES OF LIFE."
It was the experience of Law enforcement, that those involved in drug-related activities, before long, would be faced with something "...frighteningly terrible." Frequently those so involved were shot "...DEAD" by those who may have felt cheated or "...double-crossed." Not infrequently have the perpetrators left some "...DAMNING CIRCUMSTANCE-" Clue to tell the story. Criminal Investigators, know that they shall approach their investigations with logically developed "...theories;" ...applying their unique intuitive investigative skills and techniques;" ...making reasonable assessment and informed decisions. The investigators also know that they are required to work "...methodically; ...painstakingly and perseveringly in search of "...Clues" that may provide the "...nexus" (link) between the suspect and the crime.
Investigators also knew that many had "...knowingly and/or clandestinely," engaged themselves in certain questionable activities, with "...full knowledge" that the resulting consequences would be "...DEADLY." Like medicinal prescriptions, some have "...Side effects" and like the painter, "...he must get daub." There had been countless instances where these had manifested themselves in every nation and in most "...drug infested indigent communities." The slick-haired deceased leader "...DESMOND OCTAVE" of the notorious "...Green House Posse' and the recent "...Tristan Alley Double-Murders," seemingly speak to such "...INDULGENCE" and such consequences. All appeared to have played with "...GUN FIRE," and all appeared to have been consumed by it.
Then there were the proprietorships of questionable business entities. Some were known to have befriended prominent citizens and/or public officials for reasons of obscurity, but very often for protection from bad publicity and appearance of legitimacy. Most businesses were said to have been sophisticatedly operated under "...registered companies" for "...shady business transactions." Invariably, the "...PROCEEDS OF CRIME" were known to have flowed through undetected, since monitoring systems for ensuring that the purported businesses were operable and in conformity with business regulations, were woefully lax in supervision.
This may have been the very reason that Attorney General Honourable JUSTIN L. SIMON QC had urged attendees at the recent meeting on regulatory/supervisory issues affecting the Financial Services Sector to learn from the "...STANFORD EXPERIENCE." For many, like R. ALLEN STANFORD, it was always a race to the top in achieving "...Billionaire status," until they were either "...Stopped in the tracks" by Law enforcement agencies or "...ELIMINATED" by rivals from all "...questionable operations and/or profitable proceeds." Such has been the "...nature, culture and danger" associated with such activities.
Many suspected Drug Traffickers were known to have perished for reasons of "...treachery, double-crossing and/or greed." This may have been "...reasonably inferred" from the recent Mexican- styled execution inflicted on two males at the deadly "...TRISTAN ALLEY." Both victims were reportedly shot in the head. Several years prior, a former Law enforcement officer suffered similar fate not far from the Transport Board Motor Pool; ...two males also suffered the same fate in a motor vehicle in the vicinity of Fig Tree Drive; ...while another was gunned down in his vehicle at North Sound." These were usually very "...difficult murders to prevent and/or detect," particularly when victims were gunned down in the open environs. ." The "...Tristan Alley Murders" should pose no such detection difficulties given its occurrence within the privacy of "...highly secured and inaccessible dwellings." Hence, Law enforcement investigators may not necessarily have to wander too far from their precinct for assistance.
After their criminal exploits, particularly, the elimination of "...rivals/double-crossers" and/or those "...who had siphoned profits, avaricious and unscrupulous professionals may be seen buzzing around likened to honey bees on freshly opened blossom for "...blood money." Should Law enforcement be successful in their investigations, there were those who would have been "...DESTINED TO JAIL" on charges of "...MURDER." Frequently they had unknowingly left vital clues behind. However, as "...FATE" sometimes may have it, should the "...Appellate processes" be extended beyond "...FIVE YEARS" after conviction and sentence, there were those who may very likely escape the "...Hangman's Noose [Jamaican Case- Earl Pratt & Ivan Morgan: 1993].
In view of the science and technological advancement, the investigative process shall take into account the importance of pertinent "...Clues," such as those relating to the work of the "...Bacteriologist (identifying and relating various cultures of diseases and their origin). Then there was the "...Biologist(examinationofhair/fibre/plantlife/dust/dirt/debris/gum/glue);...Toxicologist/Chemist (examination of non-medicals: poison/paints/metals/oils/stains); ...Physicist-(examining/identifying all matters through physics-composition of light-spectrographic results- electricity/infra red/ultra violet and X ray methods); ...Ballistic Expert (examination of firearm/ammunition and ...Handwriting Expert (identifying handwriting/printing/typing/inks/pens/carbons)." The assistance which can be provided by "...Scientific Aid," simply put "...Supplying the missing link in the chain of evidence; ...Strengthening a weak link in the chain of evidence" [Baker & Wilkie: Crim. Law: 1972: 183].
These killings had outraged the public conscience; ...dampened the human spirit, and were as shocking and frightening as to have offended and disturbed national heroes SIR VERE and his rival SIR GEORGE. Seemingly they had not dampened the spirit of SIR VIV who appeared more interested in receiving more "...FRING BENEFITS" that he might, possibly provide "...basic human necessities" to the 13 and 16 year-old delinquent females languishing at Her Majesty' Prison. Thus, by inflicting as harshly as possible, punishment on his fellowmen for wrongs, "
actually committed, or perceived or believed to have been committed against him, family and/or his fellowmen. Experience has shown that whether by provocation or those carefully planned, dependent upon the caliber of the weapon, whether by rapidity or a gentle "
click of the trigger," lives were instantaneously snuffed out of victims. Such were the results of human behavior as it affects "...GUNS AND DRUGS" that inevitably equals "...MONEY AND MURDER."
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