miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

Why have road deaths shot up across Brighton and Hove? - The Argus

Why have road deaths shot up across Brighton and Hove?

The number of people killed or seriously injured on the roads of Brighton and Hove soared last year, but officials do not know why.

The latest figures from the Department for Transport show that the city bucked the national trend of a reduction in the number of serious crashes.

Overall in England and Wales the number of people killed or seriously injured in crashes fell by 2% in 2011.

But Brighton and Hove saw a 26% increase.

Across Sussex, 5,240 people were injured in traffic accidents in 2011, of whom 70 were killed.

Brighton and Hove suffered 1,106 casualties, the highest of any council area in the county.

There were 172 people killed or seriously injured in accidents in the city, including 16 children.

In total, six people died on the roads in Brighton and Hove during the year, slightly less than the average each year from 2005 to 2009.

Sussex Safer Roads, the police and council partnership set up to reduce accidents, said it could find no clear explanation for the rise and that it was most likely an "unfortunate year".

It stressed that although the number of people killed or seriously injured had risen, overall accident levels had fallen.

Reduction this year

A spokesman for the partnership said: "There are no clear-cut reasons for the increase.

"We are fortunate in that Brighton and Hove sees relatively low casualty numbers, compared to the size of population, both residential and visiting, and traffic on the roads.

"However we will continue to enforce and educate as appropriate |to bring the number of people killed or seriously injured on the roads down."

He added that figures for this year appear to show a reduction compared to 2011.

Mid Sussex had the second highest number of children seriously injured on the roads, but its total of eight was half that of Brighton and Hove.

There were 8.4 crashes per 1,000 licensed vehicles in the city compared to a rate of less than half that across East and West Sussex.

A quarter of accidents in East Sussex took place on wet or flooded roads but just a tiny proportion of accidents across the county took place on snowy and icy roads.

Across Sussex 70 people died on the roads during the year.

Traffic police described June 2011 as the bloodiest month on the county's roads for five years, with 13 deaths during the month.

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Ray b says...
2:46pm Tue 13 Nov 12

Road deaths have not shot up, they have fallen. In 2011, 6 people died on Brighton and Hove roads. In 2010, 8. The number of seriously injured did rise, from 128 to 166. Change the headline, please! Ray b

CharlotteP says...
2:48pm Tue 13 Nov 12

I watched a woman cyclist this morning encouraging her child of around 8 or 9 to cycle through the 2 lines of cars at the traffic lights to cross The Drive from Eaton Road then both of them pulled out right in front of the cars behind them and those waiting to cross - with cycling lessons like that for children it's no wonder that injuries and sadly deaths occur CharlotteP

Crystal Ball says...
2:54pm Tue 13 Nov 12

Stupidity, selfishness and lack of consideration have increased ergo there are more accidents on the roads. Natural selection of the human race really. Crystal Ball

StyleCop says...
3:00pm Tue 13 Nov 12

It's about time a great deal of drivers chilled the 4ukc out behind the wheel when urban driving... I often hear/see cars and motorcycles hammering it down my street doing excessive speeds - it's simply unecessary - all it is is thrill seeking, willy waving, idiots who think they have a god given right to be so ignorant of other citizens... I'm sure deaths mostly occur due to this kind of incompetent driving... I'd call for nationwide 20mph within urban areas. At that speed drivers get where they want to go reasonably quickly, pedestrians are safer and can cross (pretty much anywhere) without fear of being mown down, decent cyclists can keep up with traffic putting them on equal footing... No brainer if you ask me. The faster you go in a car the more stressfull it is. I used to be one of those thrill seeking idiots I mention - I've chilled out and driving is a much more pleasurable experience - I give way to as many as I can, leave nice big gaps, for others to pull in to, or pedestrians to cross in front of me, I'll always allow pedestrians to cross if appropriate and keep my speed down to 20/30 when it's not a hindrance to other road users... You should try it... And for those who whine about not being able to get to where they want to be fast... trust me - in a city this big, I can cycle quicker from one side to the other than you can in a car... StyleCop

Gary Baldy says...
3:07pm Tue 13 Nov 12

Of course you can. It takes me ages to cycle anywhere in my car, it has three pedals and I only have two legs. Gary Baldy

bogs says...
3:28pm Tue 13 Nov 12

I thought speed traps and speed cameras were going to bring down road deaths? Silly me, I must have believed Sussex Safer Roads waffle. Of course, their traps and cameras are only there to finance their own jobs. bogs

ruberducker says...
3:35pm Tue 13 Nov 12

i dont think theese figures are right: accidents involving car with car or is it the im sorry im stupid,i didnt see you"i was not looking"before i just walked in the road,"im on a bike so i super human powers that prevent me from being squashed"so i can take on all traffic and lights are just for "the others" stlyle cop:il take on your bet, you on your non insured/untaxed bike--and me in a taxi. ruberducker

RickH says...
3:42pm Tue 13 Nov 12

Statistical blip - but someone has already questioned the headline ie deaths have actually gone down but injuries are up. RickH

SGK2000 says...
3:44pm Tue 13 Nov 12

Take a look down London Road where there are loads of crossings (Iceland) yet people of all ages just wander across betwenn traffic & buses. Parents with kids too, they should be ashamed. Then there are those who jump off a bus then cross right ionfront of it, out into the road where any overtaking car could not see them. Whatever happened to road safety education.? SGK2000

leedsnowfan says...
3:47pm Tue 13 Nov 12

I really do apologise if Ive missed this important fact, but does this just include vehicle v vehicle collisons or vehicle v pedestrian / cyclist etc too?? If the cause of the increase is poor road awareness by pedestrians etc then surely something can be done??? leedsnowfan

ruberducker says...
3:54pm Tue 13 Nov 12

[quote][p][bold]leedsnowfan[/bold] wrote: I really do apologise if Ive missed this important fact, but does this just include vehicle v vehicle collisons or vehicle v pedestrian / cyclist etc too?? If the cause of the increase is poor road awareness by pedestrians etc then surely something can be done???[/p][/quote]its called the green cross code! stop,look,listen. or it could be your last mistake. ruberducker

Algeria Touchshriek says...
3:58pm Tue 13 Nov 12

Why has this increased in Brighton (in no particular order) 1. Too many PCSOs and not enough proper cops 2. Too much cheap drink available (affecting both driver and pedestrian) 3. Drugs (same as above) 4. Too many cyclists due to the Greens hatred of anything mildly car-like 5. Inconsiderate parkers 6. Too many loose dogs on the roads due to the Greens hatred of working people and love of travelers. 7. Too many loose children on the roads due to the Greens hatred of normal parenting. Rectify the above and we will save lives. Keep the snot-Greens in and you will murder more children. Your choice. Algeria Touchshriek

SGK2000 says...
4:09pm Tue 13 Nov 12

Nothing like a well reasoned case! SGK2000

hovian says...
4:28pm Tue 13 Nov 12

Could it be anything to do with the new style traffic signals where there is no longer a green man lantern facing you to tell you when to cross the road? This council is doggedly installing these new signals all over the city claiming they REDUCE accidents... hmmm. Wonder how that works? Despite the fact that nowhere in mainland Europe or America do you see this type of signal - this arrogant council insists they are safer. The way of using these lights is totally counter-intuitive and you can see people looking all over the place at these crossings to see if it is safe to cross. Once you start to cross the road you have no way of knowing if the light has changed...these crossings are accidents waiting to happen...but of course the highways department knows best.... hovian

Andy R says...
4:35pm Tue 13 Nov 12

[quote][p][bold]Algeria Touchshriek[/bold] wrote: Why has this increased in Brighton (in no particular order) 1. Too many PCSOs and not enough proper cops 2. Too much cheap drink available (affecting both driver and pedestrian) 3. Drugs (same as above) 4. Too many cyclists due to the Greens hatred of anything mildly car-like 5. Inconsiderate parkers 6. Too many loose dogs on the roads due to the Greens hatred of working people and love of travelers. 7. Too many loose children on the roads due to the Greens hatred of normal parenting. Rectify the above and we will save lives. Keep the snot-Greens in and you will murder more children. Your choice.[/p][/quote]Were you dropped on your head as a baby? Andy R

brighton6 says...
4:39pm Tue 13 Nov 12

Only in Brighton & Hove have I witnessed, on innumerable occasions, turn right drivers blatantly jumping the lights after their light has gone red and forward moving traffic having to wait for at least 10 seconds after green before proceeding. That's why there are so many crashes on junctions here. It's all part of the 'me first' Brighton culture. Only this weekend did I witness a car turn right from the Old Shoreham Road into the Upper drive - on the wrong side of the road - entered Upper Drive via the turn right filter lane on the wrong side of the road. Thank goodness nobody was innocently driving down into that lane. You definitely have to drive here with your smarts about you. brighton6

All lefties Smell says...
4:51pm Tue 13 Nov 12

Road deaths are on the up because people cant take the increased parking charges/traveller pandering and decide to end it instead of suffering the green party any longer. All lefties Smell

JollyRoger says...
5:03pm Tue 13 Nov 12

Quite simple really! Even if it's true I guess the reason why the numbers have shot up is because more people have been killed on the roads since last time statistics were collated.. JollyRoger

Phani Tikkala says...
5:26pm Tue 13 Nov 12

If anyone is interested, the report is here:http://assets.d ft.gov.uk/statistics /releases/road-accid ents-and-safety-annu al-report-2011/rrcgb 2011-04.pdf "Failed to look properly" reported in 42% of all accidents reported to police (most frequently reported contributory factor); "Loss of control" the reason for 34% of fatal accidents (most frequently reported contributory factor); "Pedestrian failed to look properly" reported in 59% of accidents where a pedestrian was injured of killed; "Pedestrian careless, reckless or in a hurry" reported in 25% of accidents where a pedestrian was injured or killed; "Exceeding the speed limit" reported in 5% of accidents, accounting for 14% of fatalities "Exceeding the speed limit" or "travelling too fast for the conditions" reported in 12% of accidents, accounting for 25% of fatalities Phani Tikkala

Fight_Back says...
5:34pm Tue 13 Nov 12

I suspect the increase was the council making sure the figures for the next period that will cover the new 20mph zones look good. Get the councillors and employees wizzing around purposely knocking people down and all of a sudden people will want more 20mph zones and cycle lanes. Fight_Back

funkyyoyo says...
5:48pm Tue 13 Nov 12

anyone know what katie price is up to these days!!!! funkyyoyo

fredflintstone1 says...
6:17pm Tue 13 Nov 12

Why? Firstly,because children have no respect of the dangers of roads, and just walk out in front of cars coming towards them, expecting them to stop - you can see it every day of the week on the Ditchling Road as groups come out of Varndean. Plus they're allowed out to roam the streets at lunchtimes and end up in trouble, larking around on the streets - as per the case of the photo illustrating this article. Thirdly, the major contributing factor is the lack of road safety training of cyclists. All road-users should be compelled to pass a test, before being allowed on the roads.This should include cyclists. fredflintstone1

nocando says...
6:35pm Tue 13 Nov 12

I would've suggested the increasing popularity of wandering about with headphones plugged into something or other but this morning some woman stepped in front of my lorry with her nose in a book. I'd put it all down to people not looking where they're going...stupidity basically. nocando

davyboy says...
7:04pm Tue 13 Nov 12

it is quite simply people failing to look out for traffic! they wander across with headphones on, or a phone clamped to their ear, and have absolutely no concept of anything else going on around them. survival of the fittest/most intelligent! also, children are not taught basic road safety by their parents, instead they just blame everyone else. i was taught from the age of 3 to stop, look and listen, and i'm still here! if there is a crossing, use it. davyboy

inadaptado says...
8:40pm Tue 13 Nov 12

[quote][p][bold]fredflintstone1[/bold] wrote: Why? Firstly,because children have no respect of the dangers of roads, and just walk out in front of cars coming towards them, expecting them to stop - you can see it every day of the week on the Ditchling Road as groups come out of Varndean. Plus they're allowed out to roam the streets at lunchtimes and end up in trouble, larking around on the streets - as per the case of the photo illustrating this article. Thirdly, the major contributing factor is the lack of road safety training of cyclists. All road-users should be compelled to pass a test, before being allowed on the roads.This should include cyclists.[/p][/quote]Because passing a test has made all motorists good drivers, right? inadaptado

Maxwell's Ghost says...
8:59pm Tue 13 Nov 12

There are roads and pavements. There are also mobile phones and Ipods. More distractions, more accidents. I wonder if the availability and widespread use are linked to the increase in accidents. Maxwell's Ghost

Take it Personally says...
9:34pm Tue 13 Nov 12

It's those idiot parents driving their precious children everywhere.... Take it Personally

BenUk says...
2:14am Wed 14 Nov 12

over populated city, over worked under paid no time to do what they want to do so rush everything, to scatty to drive. less people less accidents, more people more accidents. simple. BenUk

BenUk says...
4:08am Wed 14 Nov 12

davyboy is right, there all on the iphone and ipods oblivious to the outside world, and parents or teachers not teaching them road safty anymore, they just teach them to blame everyone else and get compensation!! what happend to stop compensation england? all that teaching would be for nothing, BenUk

Cash Cow says...
4:49am Wed 14 Nov 12

If, when turning right, I knocked over and killed every pedestrian who saw me coming, but just decided they would cross in front of me anyway, then I would be responsible for more deaths than Adolf Hitler, Vlad the Impaler and Tony Blair combined. Cash Cow

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