Scandal: The filmmaker blamed for the terrorist attack on our Libyan consulate and the murder of our ambassador goes to jail for an "unrelated" matter. If you believe that, you also believe al-Qaida is on its heels.
If the Obama administration had heeded warnings from Ambassador Chris Stevens that, after two previous incidents, the consulate in Benghazi was surrounded by terrorist training camps and couldn't withstand an organized attack, Mark Basseley Youssef might still be a free man today.
If requests for enhanced security had not been repeatedly denied, or if nearby help that was requested and denied three times during the seven-hour attack had arrived, perhaps some, if not all, of the four Americans murdered by terrorists would still be alive.
And Youssef would not have been sentenced to a year in jail by U.S. District Court Judge Christina Snyder the day after the presidential election.
That proverbial midnight knock on the door was a grim reality for Youssef, who previously used the name Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, among others. The man said to be behind the film "Innocence of Muslims" blamed for inciting the Benghazi attack was taken in for "questioning" by no fewer than five Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies at midnight on Sept. 15.
The cover story was that the feds were reviewing the probation of Nakoula, who was convicted of bank fraud in 2009 and placed on supervised probation for five years. He was subsequently charged for probation violations such as having a driver's license with a fake name.
If you believed that, then you also believed the story line spread by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, and others in the Obama administration and campaign.
To wit: The riots in Libya and Egypt that killed four Americans, including our Libyan ambassador and two former Navy SEALs, were the result of spontaneous outrage in reaction to his film and not Islamofascist hatred of an apologetic America seen as corrupt and weak.
Even when it was revealed that the administration knew it was a terrorist attack before, during and after, it was clear Youssef was not going to get a slap on the wrist as many truly violent and dangerous felons do.
The designated scapegoat for Benghazi would still have to pay as no one in the administration has or probably will for what we have properly called criminal negligence in the death of four Americans.
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