A murder-suicide in the NFL Kansas City Chiefs puts a high-profile spotlight on domestic violence. What do we see there?

Kasandra Perkins and her daughter Zoey. (Kasandra Perkins RIP, Facebook)
Kevin Blackistone, sports journalist and professor, as well as a frequent panelist for ESPN's Around the Horn.
Jeff Benedict, contributor for Sports Illustrated and a writer for SI.com. He's the author of Public Heroes, Private Felons: Athletes and Crimes Against Women and Out of Bounds: Inside the NBA's Culture of Rape, Violence, and Crime.
Rita Smith, executive director of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
From Tom's Reading List
Daily News "Belcher, 25, and the unnamed woman became separated at some point, but he went to her apartment complex to meet up with her. She wasn't there, but two of her neighbors let the intoxicated Belcher sleep in their apartment, they said."
Washington Post "Each Sunday, Costas delivers 90-second halftime commentaries and this one, coming the day after the tragic incident in Kansas City, put him at the epicenter of the issue of gun ownership and Second Amendment rights when he noted that, "If Jovan Belcher didn't possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today." Hughes said Monday that Costas is "in favor of people owning guns to hunt and carrying them in reasonably controlled circumstances.""
Sports Illustrated "Viewers understand that networks have bills to pay and can tolerate mild product placement. But common sense and decency should always carry the day, and 24 hours after Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher murdered Kasandra Perkins (the mother of their three-month old daughter, Zoe), The NFL Today opened its pregame show with a ham-handed live advertisement for Garmin that featured host James Brown hawking the product ("We would like to thank our friends from Garmin for helping navigate our open!") like a GPS-happy P.T. Barnum."
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