martes, 23 de julio de 2013

Ex-husband pleads not guilty in violent murder of Redmond massage therapist - Redmond Reporter

Aleksandr Polak, charged in the stabbing death of his ex-wife on June 17, plead not guilty at his Wednesday morning arraignment.

Polak is accused of stabbing Nataliya Vabishchevich, 35, 72 times in the head, neck, hands, arms and chest in her Bellevue apartment while their teenage son was at school.

Vabishchevich was found dead by a coworker in the entryway of her Bellevue condominium in the 12700 block of NE 10th Place. Within the week Polak had been located and arrested in Los Angeles, en route to the Mexico border. Prosecutors requested that he be held without bail, citing flight risk and the violence of the crime.

"I kill people; I hurt people and don't mess with me," said Polak to a friend of Vabischevich on one occasion. Charging papers and friends' accounts indicate that there were early signs of domestic violence.

Eastside Life Chiropractic of Redmond and Pure Chiropractic of Bellevue — where Vabishchevich worked — are raising funds for her son. Donations can be made at any BECU in her name.


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