Chennai: In the biggest seizure in Tamil Nadu, over 25 lakh pirated and obscene DVDs of Tamil, Telegu and English films, wrappers and printing machines worth over Rs 10 crore were confiscated from two areas in the city and five persons arrested, police said.
Acting on information, a team from the video piracy cell of CB-CID raided a godown on arterial Mount Road and seized over 25 lakh pirated DVDs, including new releases, over 3,000 obscene DVDs and five computer CPUs and arrested two persons.
They also raided a house in Royapettah area and seized over 1.55 lakh fake wrapper sheets, printing machines, lamination sheets and cutting machine worth over Rs 50 lakh and arrested three persons.
This is the biggest ever catch and seizure in the history of Tamil Nadu and the total worth is more than Rs 10 crore, a police press release said.
A special team has been formed to secure four others who are still at large, it said.
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