martes, 23 de julio de 2013

Sheffield murder: Bowling had violent history - The Star

During yesterday's sentencing hearing it emerged that killer Jonathan Bowling had a long criminal record.

Prosecutor Robert Smith QC told Mr Justice Nigel Teare the tattooed thug had a series of convictions for violence, brandishing weapons and public order offences.

Bowling sat looking straight forward, wearing a blue jumper, blue jeans and sporting a large tattoo on the right-hand side of his neck.

He was handcuffed in the glass-fronted dock and shackled to one of six prison officers.

His previous convictions included an attack on a jogger, committed when he was just 15 - which had left a man in hospital him with serious facial injuries similar to those suffered by Mr Greaves.

The 36-year-old runner had suffered a suspected broken cheekbone, cuts to his face and swollen eyes while out jogging along Burncross Road at Chapeltown.

The court was also told Bowling was convicted in his teens for brandishing a hammer when stopped by police officers, threatening a woman with a hammer, and headbutting a 48-year-old woman who complained because he was throwing snowballs at her windows.

In September 2008 he pinned a 14-year-old boy to the floor and punched and kicked him.

Ashley Foster was described as 'lightly convicted'.

When 15, he was cautioned for assaulting a relative.

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