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-- -- -- I he is of course found -- battles Michael associate delighted to have you could you you've probably seen this story.
Over -- last few days the Marek San Diego ball filled -- Is alleged to have done some absolutely disgusting things.
Two women.
-- he has -- he has not admitted to the specific.
Allegations -- to be made against him but he has said yes indeed I have a problem but I -- and you'll.
All re new respect and I don't deserve to be run out of office I deserve to be.
To get a hearing FA -- etc.
Come to all the and so we got the marriage sanity.
We see Anthony Weiner he dogs he texting fame -- making a political comeback running for mad here in New York.
-- we get -- sprints up.
He of dog G financial doings fame.
Deciding to run again in politics as well.
Maybe because he failed awfully.
As a TV anchor something with which I'm very familiar calls but at -- -- -- all musical -- there flour that's around you -- That is what is it win the world right now that allows these people to make a comeback why we so forgiving or should.
Would be so but you know I think I think we are a bit more forgiving and we have been -- and part of it I think I actually have a lot to do with social media.
Today we are we are obsessed with putting up our personal information for all the world to see some of the good some of -- bad some of -- salacious.
And I think in some respects we've gotten a little desensitized to it -- and the second piece of that I think is that.
Voters are so focused on.
What's gonna make their lives better.
There -- a willing to -- to forgive and to some extent if you can actually prove that you're going to be better for their lives going forward -- -- fiscally responsible.
And that you can actually make their life better than they were two years ago four years ago and so ultimately I think the the pocketbook is where it -- -- extra.
It's a -- that may be attitudes changed during the -- of Bill Clinton we had the Monica Lewinsky scandal.
But a lot of people appeared to decide then exactly as you say.
That he was doing a good job but for them as president -- if he had failings in his private life may be that didn't matter so much.
Would you greed it changed around them I think we started a larger conversation about that certainly and that in the emergence of the 24 hour news cycle those things get.
Reported and discussed certain through two incessantly to some extent.
But you know again the public has an opportunity to digest it and see what they think they would be like and having friends matters also you know -- Bill Clinton was concerned you had.
A lot of elected leaders a lot of ministers a lot of folks come to him and come and say we don't like what he did what we think he's better.
So having friends matters.
And I think voters also differentiate between a personal failing as it has in.
What you're doing with your -- -- what happens in your household.
Vs what the kind of work environment that you create -- that's a warm public that's actually also -- illegal depending on.
The the the trip and how things have what's transpired and so there's a difference between you know what happens in your personal life and how public you.
You Pringles transaction that we should do we should.
Make the point I guess vessel that Bill Clinton's relationship as distasteful and -- role as it was too many many people.
Outlaws they consensual one hand antennae -- -- texted strange -- lose to everybody but as far as we know.
I didn't do any more than that the allegations against the sent the mayor of San Diego -- filled up.
Are on another level altogether completely on the wanted.
Physical sexual advances crowd towards women that's on a different -- That's a -- that's a different level -- if proven it's it's a different level because again it's not just.
Unwanted advances which results which -- he could be brought up on criminal charges but they're also.
Civil issues because you're entered this is also -- workplace environment with -- -- what kind of environment.
Are you creating for your staff for workers if their -- comfortable going to the office but somehow feel.
That they have to do that -- that influenced the -- I mean there there're there are a lot of civil and criminal.
Potential charges here so that's what sort of takes put it puts -- -- -- the -- All right battles Michael -- -- -- battles Michael associates great to see you as always it's a fascinating debate --
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