miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013

Nude Project Runway Billboard Banned in L.A., Deemed "Obscene" - Us Magazine

Heidi Klum is caught in the crosshairs of a nude photo fracas -- but the German supermodel, 40, actually keeps her clothes on in a newly banned ad for Project Runway. To promote the twelfth season of the fashion reality competition, Klum and fellow star Tim Gunn appear in 18th century noble garb (think Marie Antoinette and a gentleman pal) as a bevy of naked models appear to bow down before them.

PHOTOS: Heidi Klum's absolutely fantastic body

Perhaps one of the most provocative ads yet for the Lifetime series, the jarring image has been banned by the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety, the network confirmed to Variety late Tuesday, July 9; signs with "obscene matters" are subject to prohibition, the site notes.

PHOTOS: Nude photo scandals

"@ProjectRunway Designers! We need clothing for these people!" Klum joked, sharing the image on Twitter. "Fast! Season 12 starts July 18th on @lifetimetv!"

PHOTOS: Supermodels then and wow!

Klum, of course, has certainly doffed her own duds before -- showing off her enviable bod in numerous Project Runway ads, dozens of fashion magazine spreads and other projects . . . including her own Twitter feed. Just this past weekend, in fact, the divorced of four shared a painful sunburn to her 1.6 million twitter followers and revealing her bare backside in the process.

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