The Pune police have launched a search for suspects who allegedly stalked, sent obscene SMSes and made abusive calls to a 20-year-old college girl. A complaint was lodged at Vimantal police station. Police said the girl is a resident of Viman Nagar and a student of a reputed college in Pune. A few months ago, while she was in Kolkata and when she returned to Pune, she received obscene SMSes and abusive calls several times between August 15 and September 5, they said. Police said a friend of her had given her contact number at a mobile shop as a reference for procuring a SIM card and since then she started receiving obscene SMSes from the suspects. Police believe that suspects were following the girl as they knew her location and movements. Police said they have identified the suspects and search has been launched to nab them. Police inspector Sunil Gharge is investigating the case. Police have booked the suspects under Section 354 (d) of the Indian Penal Code and other sections of the Information Technology Act.
Please read our terms of use before posting commentsdomingo, 13 de octubre de 2013
Cops search for suspects who sent obscene SMSes to college girl - Indian Express
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