miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

Crooked Cop Arrested In Baltimore City; Accused Of Trying To Sell Drugs - CBS Local

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Corruption on the force. A Baltimore City Police Officer is arrested by the FBI–accused of conspiring to distribute drugs.

It's part of a federal crackdown to root out corrupt cops. Monique Griego has more on the charges against him.

That officer is accused of being involved in the dealing of heroin, crack, cocaine and marijuana.

A Baltimore City cop–on the other side of the law.

Thursday federal agents arrested 36-year-old officer Kendell Richburg for allegedly being involved in a conspiracy to distribute heroin, cocaine, crack and marijuana.

"His job was to pursue armed drug dealers but he became an armed drug dealer," said Rod Rosenstein.

U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein says Baltimore City Police worked with the FBI to investigate the case. According to a federal indictment obtained by WJZ, Richburg was involved in a drug scheme that stretched from June 2011 to October 2012. In addition to the drug charges, investigators say he was using illegal firearms.

Baltimore City Police say Richburg worked in the Northwestern District. He was part of a task force that focused on violent crimes.

Last year, another Baltimore City Police Officer–Daniel Redd–was sentenced to 20 years in prison for dealing heroin while on the job.

Rosenstein says recently the FBI beefed up the amount of resources and agents dedicated to rooting out corruption. So while the arrest of a crooked cop is never good, he says at least it shows someone is watching.

"Perhaps this case coming on the heels of other cases will send a pretty powerful message and deter anyone who might be tempted to violate the law," he said.

Tuesday Richburg has a hearing in federal court. That's when we may learn more details about the alleged drug operation.

Richburg is currently being held without bail. He is a 13-year veteran of the force.

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