jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

Insanity plea withdrawn in local murder case - Toledo Blade

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A Toledo man charged with murder in the beating death of his elderly guardian withdrew his plea of not guilty by reason of insanity after two evaluations determined he knew the "wrongfulness of his actions."

Julian Boyd, 38, of 2103 Parkdale Ave. appeared Wednesday in Lucas County Common Pleas Court, where Judge James Jensen found him ineligible for an insanity plea. The judge then set a Nov. 5 trial date.

Mr. Boyd is charged with murder and misdemeanor domestic violence for the May 5 assault on Raymond Darden, 81, who with his wife, Marion, 81, was serving as guardians for Mr. Boyd. Authorities said the domestic violence charge is a result of an assault on Mrs. Darden in the same incident.

He is accused of punching Mrs. Darden, his aunt, and assaulting Mr. Darden, who died July 4 of blunt-force trauma injuries, according to an autopsy report. Judge Jensen noted that two evaluators found Mr. Boyd suffered from mental illness but that his condition did not keep him from knowing what he was doing. If convicted of murder, Mr. Boyd faces up to life in prison.

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