BOULDER -- The last of 41 suspects charged in two waves of grand jury indictments stemming from a 2009-2010 investigation into a methamphetamine and cocaine ring was arrested and charged this week.

Carlos Antillon-Fernandez was the only suspect named in the indictments from the Longmont Police Department's monthslong Operation Private Dancer investigation who had not been arrested. Police and prosecutors believe he was a primary meth supplier for the ring, which moved pounds of the drug into Longmont, according to investigators.

He appeared in Boulder District Court on Tuesday and was set for arraignment on Jan. 8 to allow his attorney to review his indictment and supporting evidence, including thousands of pages and hundreds of recorded conversations.

"The other 40 codefendants have already been convicted and sentenced at this time," said prosecutor Ken Kupfner, adding that the evidence in the expansive investigation is on 165 CDs. "We will need to copy the 165 discs to provide to defense counsel."

Kupfner said Denver police arrested Antillon-Fernandez.

According to Antillon-Fernandez's indictment, which was unsealed Tuesday, investigators believe he provided methamphetamine to his cousin EJ Fernandez for sale in and around Longmont.

EJ Fernandez was considered to be among the top-level dealers in the Operation Private Dancer drug ring.

The indictment details several meetings between the cousins to exchange the drugs and money. Antillon-Fernandez lived in southern Colorado at the time and EJ Fernandez would either travel there to meet him or the cousins would meet in Denver, according to the indictment.

Longmont police named the investigation Operation Private Dancer because two suspects central to the investigation, a couple, reportedly met when the woman was working as an exotic dancer in Denver.

Pierrette J. Shields can be reached at 303-684-5273 or