"Last month, many film actors and celebrities complained after they received objectionable text messages and video clips," said a police officer. According to the police last month police received several complaints from celebrities particularly Bollywood personalities that they were receiving vulgar SMSs and some video clips from particular number.
"We started an inquiry and found that the texts and clips were being sent from a cellphone registered in Udupi in Karnataka. A team found Bhat in his house," said senior inspector (unit 8) Deepak Patangre.
"Bhat confessed to sending the texts and said he got the numbers of his victims from websites," said investigating officer Milind Desai.
During the search police recovered one cell phone, a laptop, two data card which accused used to use to send SMSs. During initial interrogations Bhat admitted to have send SMSs to more than 100 person just for fun. In the day time, he worked as a sales executive for a computer dealer and at night he would sit till late, chat with friends and send vulgar SMSs to victims.
He says that he got the numbers of victims from various websites and he admits to have send this messages just for a kick.'' Said investigating officer Milind Desai. Police said that he hails from a well to do family. While his father is a priest, mother is a retired teacher and younger brother is pursuing higher studies. Bhat, a graduate is also a diploma holder in computer.
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