• Study by World Health Organisation found that intimate partner violence is the most common type of assault, affecting 30% of females
  • Consequences of violence range from broken bones to pregnancy-related complications, mental problems and impaired social functioning
  • Experts say that 'urgent intervention is needed to address the underlying causes of this global health problem'

By Rachel Reilly


Over a third of women worldwide will experience physical or sexual violence, a new study has revealed.

Research found 35 per cent of women across the globe will be the victim of either intimate or non-partner violence.

And intimate partner violence is the most common type of assault against females, affecting 30 per cent of all women.

Experts say that urgent action is needed to address the global problems of violence against women.

Experts say that urgent action is needed to address the global problems of violence against women. Violence can lead to misuse of alcohol amongst women, sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies and abortion

As well as releasing the findings of the report, the World Health Organisation (WHO) detailed the impacts of such violence on women.

The study found health problems ranging from broken bones to pregnancy-related complications, mental problems and impaired social functioning.

Injury, and even death, are the most serious consequences of violence, but it can also double the chances of developing depression.

Meanwhile, violence can lead to misuse of alcohol amongst women, sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies and abortion.

The study found too that women who experience partner violence have a 16 per cent greater chance of giving birth to a low-weight baby.

Disturbing: 'Significant others' are responsible for between a third and a half of all female murders, compared to just one in 16 male homicides

Disturbing: 'Significant others' are responsible for between a third and a half of all female murders, compared to just one in 16 male killings

What's more, the research showed the need for all sectors to help eliminate tolerance for violence against women and provide better support for women.

The study was done in partnership with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the South African Medical Research Council.

Professor Charlotte Watts, from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said: 'This new data shows violence against women is extremely common.

'We urgently need to invest in prevention to address the underlying causes of this global women's health problem.'

According to the research, a fear of stigma prevents many women from reporting non-partner sexual violence.

Though the review also found that 7.2 per cent of women globally had reported non-partner sexual violence.

Dr Margaret Chan, from WHO, said: 'These findings send a powerful message that violence against women is a global health problem of epidemic proportions.

'We also see that the world's health systems can and must do more for women who experience violence.'

And Dr Claudia Garcia-Moreno, from WHO, added: 'The report findings show violence greatly increases women's vulnerability to a range of short and long-term health problems.

'It highlights the need for the health sector to take violence against women more seriously.'

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This WHO report that came out now stating that 1 of 3 women have ever in their whole life experienced physical violence of any kind at all in an intimate relationship. Ask men how often they have been slapped, hit, kicked, or thrown object at them by their woman? No WHO did not ask men. WHO does not care about men. Men were excluded from the study. Thus the report is without any context, bare of any meaning, yet the press can't hold off showing dramatic pictures. The truth proven in massive global studies like PASK is that 60% of domestic violence is mutual, and where violence is unidirectional women perpetrate more and men are victims more. Yes, men are stronger and can defend themselves better, which is why a Lancet paper just yesterday found that "only" 2 men are killed by their woman for every 3 women killed by their men. So, for all that science knows, the truth is that 1 in 3 HUMANS, both men and women, experience intimate partner violence in their life.

They never give the stats on women attacking and killing men. Must be because only women's rags bother to report this crap when it furthers the myth.

And those third of women that this happens to likely will return. People (friends and family) are indifferent . They live in a world of God bless us four and no more.NO one can judge us woman and we are not victims (WE ARE STRONG) .If someone will open their heart and homes to us and even one child you are entitled to your opinion otherwise: SHUT UP! I remember having a plaster cast on my hand for 3fractures caused by my husband . a person (at that time i considered a best friend) asked me what i said to him to annoy him .If she tells her husband to jump he asks (HOW HIGH DEAR) That is the mentality we are dealing with!

There are a lot of bitter women on this site. Do you think every man in the world is the same? lol

My 2 ex did drink alcohol and were idiots. My husband since 10 years don't drink and a man like him is a dream come true. Sober, balanced and knows how to control his frustration we all feel every now and then in life. He makes me feel safe and relaxed. I wish all woman could have a man like mine.

United we stand, divided we fall.

Women benefit from being slapped around it makes them better people - this sounds awful doesn't it? Well its no different from the man hating comments that are getting all the green arrows

Violence against men happen also!

Women making bitter comments. We all know that women on this site would not last 5 minutes as a man. - male, uk, 21/6/2013 21:35 Ha ha! Internet post of the century.

I'm sick of hearing whining women who have been badly beaten by their boyfriends or partners when asked why don't they leave say, "But I love him". Any woman saying that and staying with a monster deserves all they get. They are so STUPID! - Alan , Manchester, 22/6/2013 00:34 Your post just shows a total ignorance of domestic abuse - there are many reasons why women do not leave and no woman deserves to be abused, they are NOT stupid or deserve what they get. The reasons women stay are much more than clearly you can understand, try reading Womens Aid page and you may learn something!!

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