THE decision by one of the two students involved in the recent sex video scandal to surface has allowed the public to hear a truer narration of the circumstances surrounding the recording of the couple's sexual trysts and information on what happened after then. It also gave us a glimpse of the character of the unnamed female student.

Officials of the University of San Jose-Recoletos (USJR), the previously unnamed school where the female student is studying, also held a press conference yesterday. That effectively quelled rumors and lies being spread about the female student's status. Now the public can come up with a more informed commentary on the scandal.
Only the reporters who interviewed the girl, however, could describe her demeanor while answering questions. Also, not much of her background has been divulged. That means the public will continue to possess a hazy picture of her nature. Any comments, favorable or not, that dwell on her character will therefore be mere conjectures.
Even then, allow me to come up with my own conjectures based on her answers to questions hurled by reporters. She seems to be either strong-willed or well-advised given her daring to face the public in the midst of the scandal. Most of the past "sex scandal" victims in other parts of the country hid after video footages of their sex act spread.
Also, she was emphatic about not letting the incident lead to her committing suicide. "Naka-commit na man gani ko og mistake, ako pang pun-an (og laing mistake)?" she stressed. Well said.
I was bothered by one of her answers, though. I am referring to this direct quote in yesterday's Sun.Star Cebu report on her interview: Dili sa ingon nga nagmahay ko ato kay kato na time, amoa ra gyud unta to. Wala mi gatuo na mukatap og ingon ato. Tawo ra sad mi na masayop."
"Nagmahay" is close to the other Cebuano word "nagbasol." "Dili sa ingon nga nagmahay ko" can be understood as, "wa magbasol" ("I do not regret" was the English translation used by Sun.Star). Still, she talked about a mistake being committed. Whether that mistake referred to their act of recording their lovemaking or to their failure to prevent the spread of the sex video was not asked by reporters.
What I am hoping is for her to realize that their videotaping of their sexual trysts was the first mistake (the second mistake being their failure to delete the recording). She said that the sex video was made two years ago and with another boyfriend. She has a new boyfriend. Admitting that videotaping lovemaking is a mistake would ensure that she won't commit the same error of making a sex video with her new boyfriend.
Indeed, Dr. Rene Obra, head of the Center for Behavioral Sciences of the Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center, had said that recording a video of oneself having sex with a partner is a "form of exhibitionism," a kind of "sexual perversion." In that sense, those who practice it or could not stop themselves from doing it should seek medical help.
The USJR administration, meanwhile, did well in promising to allow the girl to graduate if she completes the academic requirements of her course. In the meantime, she was provided with a setup conducive for study by reporting to her professors outside of regular classes. I would say USJR handled the scandal better than St. Theresa's College handled the controversy (not a sex scandal) that erupted in its midst months ago.
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