sábado, 4 de mayo de 2013

20th Anniversary of Northampton Domestic Violence Murder - abc40

domestic violence vigilNORTHAMPTON, Mass. (WGGB) — Friends and family members gathered at the Spring Grove Cemetery Friday night for a vigil in memory of Sherry Morton and her son Cedric.

During the vigil, candles were lit, as words of remembrance were shared and songs were sung.

The two were killed on January 11, 1993 in their Northampton apartment by the baby's father Sean Seabrooks.  He is currently serving a life sentence for the crime.

"It's really nice to see all my old friends and new ones since they died," said Yoko Kato, victims mother.

After their murders Sherry's mom Yoko Kato became a leader in combating domestic violence.  She helped strengthen laws protecting victims both here in the U.S. and in her native country Japan.   There until 2001 victims could not even make accusations according to Kato.

"The weekend after they died she was on the bridge picketing, holding signs up to stop domestic violence," said Jeannie Banas, Sherry's sister.

"You don't have to hide, you don't have to stay home, you can reach out and get help," said Kato.

Kato says her work is not finished.

"I wish some ways we can stop that, that we are gonna try to work hard to you know improve the protection for the women and children," said Kato.

The family says they'll remain strong and committed to this cause for the next twenty years as well.

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