The Kristine Meza Foundation, a San Antonio nonprofit foundation dedicated to fighting family violence, remembered its namesake Monday on the second anniversary of her death.

Kristine Meza, described by family and friends as a ray of light, was killed by her ex-boyfriend two years ago as she was headed to work.

The pair had been in an abusive relationship, according to Meza's family, in which her boyfriend would hit her repeatedly.

She left him, and just days later, was shot dead.

Family and friends decided her death would not remain merely a tragedy, however, and decided to do something about it.

"So we created the Kristine Meza Foundation," said Anastacia Isaac-Salazar, one of the foundation's founders. "We are dedicated to being a resource for domestic violence victims in this community."

Isaac-Salazar said their message centers around making sure victims know there are people who care and can help them before it's too late.

"This is such a huge issue in San Antonio, and while some people say it's too big to be beaten, we plan on making a difference one life at a time," said Isaac Salazar.

A 5k race will be held in Meza's honor. For details, head to the Foundation's Facebook page.