Three Michigan residents are being held in the Wood County jail after troopers reportedly found drugs in their rented vehicle.
Charged with possession and trafficking in cocaine, possession and trafficking in heroin, and possession and trafficking in crack cocaine are Christopher Holloway, 27, of Harrison Township; August Allen, 24, of Redford Township; and Nicole Ferris, 25, of Lansing.
If convicted, each faces up to 32 years in prison and up to a $65,000 fine.
Troopers reported that they stopped a vehicle for a marked-lanes violation on southbound I-75 in Perrysburg just after midnight today. Troopers said they observed "criminal indicators" and a drug-sniffing dog was brought to the scene.
Inside the vehicle troopers found 32 grams of cocaine, six grams of heroin, and one gram of crack cocaine. The patrol estimated the drugs were worth more than $5,500.
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