Hyderabad: Forty-four people were killed and a massive damage was caused to crops in Andhra Pradesh due to cyclone 'Nilam', Chief Minister N Kiran Kumar Reddy said on Saturday. Reddy, who interacted with district collectors of all the affected districts via video conferencing at the state secretariat, said orders have been issued for paying the ex-gratia of Rs 2 lakh under various schemes to the families of the deceased, a CMO press release said.
Besides the relief measures, 20-kg rice and 5 litres of kerosene will also be supplied to the affected families and 10-kg rice to those who are leaving at the relief camps including the fishermen and weavers whose houses are water-logged, it said. Reddy said that medical teams have been dispatched to the affected areas. It was also decided that Collectors can directly sanction houses and expenses for the reconstruction of the damaged houses under Indira Awas Yojana which would be ratified later.
The chief minister said that compensation will be paid for the loss of animals to a family without any restriction on the number, the release added. Reddy also assured that all the discoloured paddy would be procured by the state agencies at the Minimum Support Price and efforts are being made to see that the damaged cotton is purchased by the Cotton Corporation of India.
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