But, Singh was quick to refute the premise of the petition and on Tuesday, his Delhi-based lawyer, Pragyan Pradip Sharma, issued a public notice saying that his client has "no connection whatsoever" with the songs being attributed to him. While Singh remained unavailable for comment, his manager Anoop Singh spoke to TOI, and stated that the rapper had nothing to do with the 'offensive song'. He said, "That song is not Honeyji's work. Time and again we have found content on the net attributed to him, but he has nothing to do with such offensive works. They don't belong to him in any way."
As far as the cancellation of the Gurgaon performance goes, Anoop asserted that Singh had cancelled the concert himself. "He didn't want to be part of an entertainment programme when the nation is in the throes of such a tragedy."
Close on the heels of the petition, an FIR was filed against Singh in Lucknow on Monday on the complaint of IPS officer Amitabh Thakur under sections relating to obscenity.
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